Наши QSL

QSL QSL for RDA expeditions
QSL QSL for expeditions on Pervy Yuzhny Fort and Kotlin Island, LightHouses - Gorki, Kolgonpya, Krasnaya Gorka, Ustinsky and Shepelevsky
QSL QSL for LightHouses expeditions
QSL QSL for Verperluda Island expedition
QSL QSL for RDA expeditions and RDA Contest-2007
QSL QSL for Ustinsky LightHouse and Rifovyj Island expeditions
QSL QSL for RZ1CWC Team expeditions
QSL RZ1CWC QSL for expeditions on LightHouses and Fortresses
QSL RZ1CWC QSL for expedition on Soikinskoe Gorodishche ( WCA: UA-00402, COTA-RU: R-119, RDA: LO-26).
QSL RZ1CWC QSL for expeditions on islands, lighthouses, fortresses and RDA districts

QSL-manager for RZ1CWC, UE1CDX, RP1COP and RZ1AK (dxpeditions 2001-2003 years only) - Andrey Aleksandrovich Petushkov, P.O.Box 340/5, Sosnovy Bor, Leningradskaya oblast, 188540, Russia

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