Castles of Dresden, Germany

Gerhard's DL5AWI photoreport

Click on any photo for a detailed view

Castles of Dresden
View from the hotel to the old town of Dresden
Castles of Dresden
Dresdner Zwinger
Castles of Dresden
Dresdner Zwinger
Castles of Dresden
Dresdner Zwinger
Castles of Dresden
Castles of Dresden

Residenzschloss inside waiting for "Das Grune Gewolbe"

Castles of Dresden
Monument with August "der Starke"
Castles of Dresden
Residenzschloss with DL5AWI's XYL Ilona
Castles of Dresden
Dresdner Zwinger at night
Castles of Dresden

Japanisches Palais with DL5AWI - QSY to other band

Castles of Dresden

Japanisches Palais with DL5AWI in action

Castles of Dresden
Other point in Dresden for tripple castle operation (in the future)
Castles of Dresden
Castle Moritzburg (next time)
Castles of Dresden
Castle Moritzburg

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