"New Zealand Lakeside"Award (NZLA)

1. For Basic Award, contacts are required with stations operating on the shores of TEN (10) freshwater lakes in New Zealand. Endorsements for each additional ten lakes up to 40; Honour Award for 50 lakes with further endorsements for each additional ten.

2. Stations must be located within ONE kilometre of the water or in a town on the lakeshore.

3. Full rules are with the Check Sheets, which MUST be used when applying for NZLA - these cost 40 cent stamp plus SASE.

4. Cost for both Basic and Honour Awards $3.00, overseas US$5.00. Any endorsements SASE, overseas US$2.00.

5. Check Sheets from NZART Awards Manager, P.O. Box 1733, Christchurch 8015, New Zealand to whom all applications must be directed.

Eligible contacts must date May 1, 1976 or later.

NOTE: Check Sheets are returned to applicant and make up a complete record of lakes credited towards award. Mike Groth ZL1AHF did basic work for this award for NZART.

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