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This Diploma is sponsored by GPDX - Grupo Português de DX ( Portuguese DX Group) and is available to all licensed radio amateurs and short wave listeners, that make proof to have contacted or heard 10 radio amateur stations working from different Portuguese Castles and/or Fortresses referenced on the List of Portuguese Castles and Fortresses prepared by GPDX. This list is available free of charges to anyone that asks for it with an SASE. The operations will be considered valid, only if executed inside the physical limits of the Castle or Fortress. For better identification, the Castles and Fortresses are separately identified. The first group is identified with a "C" and the second with a "F" as the first character of the code followed by an order number beginning with "001". As soon as we have new references the List will be updated. To the operators of the expeditions will be credit the respective operated references. The contacts made with radio amateurs operating from Castles and/or Fortresses count from 2nd of March, 1994. SWe award Diplomas for HF (SSB, CW and MIXED) and VHF (FM and MIXED). Contacts made via Repeaters, Satellite or Digital Modes are not valid. It is not necessary to send QSL cards for checking. Applicants shall submit a GCR list confirmed by two licensed radio amateurs or by one amateur club official.. In case of doubt the Diploma Manager may ask the applicant to submit QSL cards or the operator of an expedition to confirm any contact. If the applicant wish to send the QSL cards, must send enough Portuguese stamps or IRC’s for the return of the cards via registered air mail. The cost of the Diploma will be: Each 25 until 200 contacts with different references, and after that for each 10 will be issued an endorsement stamp. The endorsement stamps are free and the interested applicants must send a list, certified as the initial one with de new contacts and a S.A.S.E. or a S.A.E. and 1 IRC. The Diplomas or endorsement stamps must be demanded ( as well as new Documented References ), via:
HOME PAGE for AWARD: http://gpdx.netpower.pt/diplomas/dcfp/dcfp_uk.htm LIST of PORTUGUESE CASTLES and FORTRESSES: http://gpdx.netpower.pt/diplomas/dcfp/Castelos.htm HOME PAGE GPDX: http://gpdx.netpower.pt/diplomas/dcfp/Castelos.htm ![]() |