"The Italian Castles" Award (D.C.I.)

"Italian Castles" Award (D.C.I.) is issued from Section A.R.I. of Mondovi (Cuneo) for O.M. and S.W.L. with the purpose to let know the Castles built in the different points of the Italian geography and to valorise its historical and architectural patrimony.

For obtaining the Award, that will have released in an single category, the applicant will have to show to have contacted the following number of Castles:

  • Italian stations: 30 castles of Italy situated in at least 5 different Regions for the HF;
  • Italian stations: 10 castles of Italy situated in at least 2 different Regions for the VHF (50MHz and up);
  • Foreign stations: 20 castles of Italy situated in at least 5 different Regions.
  • In every case it will be obligatory to contact at least a castle of the Province of Cuneo for the HF.

    Contacts on all ham radio bands, from 2 to 160 meters, and in the SSB, CW, RTTY, SSTV and any other digital mode are valid. There is not differentiations of mode or band.

    Contacts with working stations from the Castle are valid since January 1st. 2001.

    The D.C.I. Award is issued to each OM or SWL by presenting to Award Manager temporary (Fabio Fulcheri, IW1FTE) or to Technical Award Manager (Massimo Balsamo, IK1GPG) of the Section A.R.I. of Mondovi, P.O.Box 4, I- 12084 Mondovi (Cuneo), Italy, as follows:

    1. A form of a dated and signed letter, on which the applicant declare to have respected the rules of its own Country and the detailed extract of the log in order of reference showing: reference DCI, call-sign of the station worked, date and time GMT.
    2. From 01/01/2008 the QSL cards won't owe to be sent to the Checkpoint because the control will automatically be effected by the Award Managers during the elaboration of the data with the Software I0SSH-Log-DCI-Dbase. The award fee is 8 € or 11 $.
    3. The endorsements are free. For the application to enclose SASE or SAE+IRC.

    The possessors of the D.C.I. Award can use this title on own QSLs and in correspondence

    The D.C.I. Award consist of personalized parchment paper to colours of the dimensions 297x420mm in size.

    The endorsements consist in an adhesive colour sticker showing the Italian Regions, and it will be granted to have worked at least 3 Castles for every Region.

    The list of the Castles is available from the Technical Award Manager to the cost of 6 € or 8 $, as contribution for the postal expenses and photocopies or consultable on Internet: http://www.dcia.it

    The Radio Amateurs that have activated at least 3 Castles, has right to apply automatically the D.C.I. Operator Award with the relative sticker of the activated Region and he can accredit own activity.

    Whoever has information about Castles not enclosed on the Directory, could get in touch or write to Technical Award Manager; helpers own calls will be mentioned on first page of the Directory as contributor.

    There is not limits for up to date.

    The activity for the Award is valid only if the followings requisite will have respected:

    1. The station (antenna, radio, current, etc.) will have to transmit to a maximum distance from the Castle of 500 meters.
    2. The station will have effected at least 100 contacts in HF or 30 contacts in VHF.
    3. The station will have effected at least 80 contacts in HF or 15 contacts in VHF for an activation already accredited also from others operators.
    4. It is not possible to activate contemporarily more than 2 references: in this case the operator can add at his score the 2 references, but to the special classification " operator " will be valid only as 1 activation.
    5. Electronic submission of logs in TXT, ADIF or DBF format, as indicated in the FAQ form, clear documentation photographic that confirms the activation (for the resident it requires topographical map of his city with marked the distance between own residence and the reference), application form and eventual authorizations will have to be send to the Technical Award Manager within 15 days from the activation by e-mail to: dci_info@tin.it
    6. To the attainment of the 500 QSOs already accredited for the same reference it won't be more necessary to send the logs and photo.
    7. It is obligatory to send the QSLs to all the station via Bureau or via direct if he received a SASE.
    8. Before to start a new activity is necessary to have all the previous activities accredited (see points 15.2 and 15.3), unless the impossibility to complete the activation of that reference in the future. The documentation will be sent to the Award Manager whose decision is unquestionable. Before to start a new activity is necessary to send by e-mail log, photo and application form as attached file within 15 days.
    9. The activation HF must be completed within a period of 90 days beginning from the first activity, to exception the precedent paragraph.
    10. The activator that behaves in different way from the rule or other incorrectness, after having been informed to half letter (also in electronic form), can be suspended by the activations for a period from 1 to 6 months or, definitely disqualified as activator DCI, to unquestionable judgment of the Award Manager and of the President of the titular Section of the diploma, previous to seem of the Technical Award Manager and of the members of the Staff Operational D.C.I.
    11. The document FAQ is integral and explanatory part of the present rule.
    12. The activator that incorrectly behaves, contravening to the rules of the diploma, will can be suspended or disqualified to unquestionable judgment of the manager and the member of the Technical Staff.
    13. For activation (in the same day) to which participates more than an operator, the reference will be accredited to the holder of the nominative (100 QSOs if it is the first activatios or 80 QSOs if it is the second activation). To get the accredit for other operators they will can at least other 50 QSO with home call.
    14. It is obligatory to send copy of the documentation to the Technical Support DCI, IK1AWV and IK2UVR.

    The Castles will be considered valid if indicated on geographical map 1:25.000 or on the General Castles Repertory of Italy.

    The Castles will receive a number of reference formed in the following system: DCI-CN001 (Castle - Province - progressive Number).
    The new references will be attributed from the responsible Regional or from the Technical Award Manager.

    Список замков можно получить у технического дипломного менеджера по e-mail: dci_info@tin.it или на сайте диплома в Интернет – http://www.dcia.it

    The Responsible Regional are the followings:

    Piemonte IK1UGX

    Angelo Ricci
    Via Vallone dell'Arma, 3/a, 12014 Demonte (CN)

    Liguria IK1NEG

    Gabriele Rocchi
    Via Argine Destro 303, 18100 Imperia (IM)

    Valle d’Aosta IW1CAB

    Ghinazzi Luca
    Via Barral 24, I-11020 Gressan (AO)

    Lombardia IK2UVR

    Pier Luigi Anzini
    Via Maestri del Lavoro 5, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA)

    Veneto IK3ABY

    Stefano Fabbro
    Via Abruzzo 3, 30030 Martellago (VE)

    Trentino Alto Adige IN3YGW

    Antonio Mastino
    Casella Postale 159, 39100 Bolzano/Bozen (BZ)

    Friuli Venezia Giulia IV3HWY

    Giancarlo Bertoni
    Via San Pelagio 24/2, 33010 Reana del Roiale (UD)

    Emilia Romagna IK4HPU

    Alberto Incerti
    Valli, Via S.Bartolomeo 74/2, 42100 Reggio Emilia (RE)

    Toscana I5FLN

    Luciano Fusari
    Via P.Capponi 54, 50132 Firenze (FI)

    Abruzzo IK6CAC

    Carlo Delle Monache
    Via Sant’Eligio 22, 66100 Chieti (CH)

    Marche I6DHY

    Gianfranco Grossi
    Localita Camorri 23, 60041 Sassoferrato (AN)

    Lazio I0SBA

    Antonio Bocciero
    Via XVI Luglio 1462 n.7, 00051 Allumiere (Roma)

    Umbria I0SSW

    Sandro Sugoni
    Via Fra' Giovanni 31, 00062 Bracciano (Roma)

    Calabria IK8YFU

    Alessandro Pochi'
    Via Pio La Torre 79, 89024 Polistena (RC)

    Campania IK8OZV

    Vincenzo Mone
    Via A. Gramsci 17, 83042 Atripalda (AV)

    Campania IW8DQY

    Paolo Di Salvo
    Via Mario De Ciccio 9, 80128 Napoli (NA)

    Molise IZ8AWQ

    Giuliano Di Salvo
    Via G. Leopardi 1, 86170 Isernia (IS)

    Puglia IZ7FMQ

    Massimo Ligonzo
    Corso Italia 304, 74100 Taranto (TA)

    Basilicata IK8SHL

    Antonio Massimino
    Via Giovanni XXIII n.10, 85100 Potenza (PZ)

    Sicilia IT9VQC

    Carlo Riccobene
    Via E. De Amicis 108, 93100 Caltanissetta (CL)

    Sardegna IS0JMA

    Roberto Alaimo
    Via Gallura 14, 07026 Olbia (OT)


    The Foreign Checkpoints are the followings:

    Spain, Andorra EA5OL

    Francisco Gil Guerrero
    P.O.Box 8176, 46080, Valencia, Spain

    Spain EA3GHZ

    Juan Carlos Barceló
    Apartado Postal 51 43540 Sant Carles De La Rapida, Tarragona, Spain

    France, Monaco, Luxsemburg F5XL

    Jean-Pierre Tendron
    Allee des Pins (316) "L'Arawak" - Domaine de St. Pierre de Tourtour, F-83690, Tourtour, France

    Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein DL8AAM

    Thomas M.Roesner
    Woerthstr.17, D-37085 Goettingen, Germany

    Portugal, Azores, Madeira GPDX

    GPDX - Grupo Portugues de DX P.O.Box 1156 , 2736-996 Agualva, Portugal

    fgp.dx@mail.telepac.pt or gpdx@qsl.net
    Switzerland HB9FBI

    Luciano Lucini
    P.O.Box 215, CH-6760, Cari, Switzerland

    Russia UA6HGY

    Igor Gridtchin
    P.O.Box 5, 357500, Pyatigorsk, Russia

    Poland SP5PB

    Piotr Brydak
    Okolnik 9A m 16, 00-368, Wrszawa, Poland

    Great Britain G0FEX

    Ken Porter
    462 Braunstone Lane, Leicester, LE3 3DG, U.K.

    Belgium, Netherlands ON4CAS

    Egbert Hertsen
    Postbus 85, Mechelen 2, B-2800, Mechelen, Belgium

    Finland OH3OJ

    Jukka Tamminen
    Lopentie 47 as 5, FIN-11710, Riihimaki, Finland

    jukka.tamminen@koskisen.fi or oh3oj@sral.fi
    Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova UY5XE

    George A.Chlijanc
    P.O.Box 19, Lviv, 79000 Ukraine

    Slovenia S53EO

    Milos A.Oblak
    Obala 97, SI-6320, Portoroz, Slovenia

    spp@s-plovba.si or s53eo@yahoo.com
    Croatia 9A2AA

    Tomislav Dugec
    P.O.Box 255, HR-21001, Split, Croatia

    9a2aa@qsl.net or tomislav.dugec@st.hinet.hr
    Canada VE3XN

    Garry Vernon
    Hammond, 5 McLaren Av., Listowel, Ontario, N4W 3K1, Canada

    Brasil PP5SZ

    Pedro Sirzanink
    Rua Padre Roma 194 AP 704, Florianopolis, SC, 88010-090, Brazil

    Greece, Dodecannese, Crete SV1XV

    Costas Krallis
    P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece

    sv1xv@arrl.net or kkrallis@ath.forthnet.gr
    Slovakia OM3JW

    Stefan Horecky
    Mlynska 2, 900 31 Stupava, Slovakia

    Hungary HA8ZC

    Sándor Pauk
    Béke u.125, H-6060, Tiszakécske, Hungary

    Israel 4X4JU

    Malkiel Webman
    Degel Reuven Street 14, Petach Tikva, 49402, Israel


    Definition of Castle. Castles, towers, bastions, house-forts, house-towers, walled city or villages, bastioned and fortified city, citadels, fortresses, forts, shelters, civic or fortified doors, ducal Palace bastioned or fortified, castle or imperial villas, and all Italian buildings of the Middle Ages, royal building and palace, renaissance and to the second world war excluded. Forts, bunkers, batteries and refuges, not logistically attainable or not accessible and the Baronial Buildings will be not valid. If some DCI references assigned don't have these characteristics can be cancelled through the special predisposed form.

    "The Italian Castles" Award (D.C.I.)

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